God’s Kingdom is inverted.
If you read the first message Jesus preached to his disciples, Math 5:
the beatitudes in the Message translation and you will see that God’s intended goal
or life target is; “Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.” Everything in His kingdom is upside down from
the goals of the kingdom of this earth. When
your hot you’re not and when you’re not you’re hot. OK now you may be toughly confused let’s
begin to change our thinking. Let’s
Repent or Rethink as Jesus commanded and this new thinking will help us develop to become the creator God intended you to be.
The rethinking related to crisis should start with God’s
promises in mind. “All things work out
for Good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.” “I will never let you be tempted by more than
you can withstand whereas I will provide a way of escape.” Everything that has ever been created got its
inspiration from a problem or crisis.
“Need is the mother of invention.”
Think about it people of notoriety are usually remembered for what they invented
i.e. Thomas Edison (electricity) or the crisis they overcame, Martin Luther
King, Gandhi, Jesus, all overcame crisis.
God delegated his creative energy to humanity. Think about all the modern conveniences we enjoy, they came from a human being solving a problem or overcoming a crisis.
Jesus said; “As a man thinketh so is he.” Whenever you
believe something is true that becomes your reality.
If your perception of a situation
is negative then you will always focus on the negative. Everyone said that Lazereth was dead; they
said if you had only come yesterday you could have healed him. But Jesus by faith saw the positive side, this sickness is unto the glory of God, he proclaimed the will of God and said he was just asleep.
This earth experience called life, this experience in time
and space is an exercise in contrast.
We’d never be able to identify and experience God’s grace and mercy if
we didn’t experience the opposite, chaos. Remember Jesus overthrew Satan and re-established His Kingdom on the
earth. All power and authority has been
given to him and to us his heirs. But
for those who have not been enlightened or rethought, settled in their mind on that
truth, Satan still has the power of bluff over those who don't believe Jesus truth. He bribes and entices us by offering the lesser gods that fulfill our fleshly desire for money, power or fame etc
If you don’t understand God’s process, out of Cho’s, blessing, you might
think a loss of a job, collapse of vision, diagnosis of a terminal disease, divorce,
loss of home, or an unmarried pregnant daughter would be called a crisis. God
has allowed the current world crisis. So
when we understand and believe this truth we can save ourselves a whole lot of
anguish. He is currently delivering us
from Mystical Babylon, the banking system who has indebted all the governments
and corporations of the world via their high interest. If
you read the Old Testament Law the Jews were told to lend without any interest
let alone high interest.
The problems you are dealing with, past or current may cause you to
have fear, trauma depression, despair, frustration, anxiety, loneliness,
irritation, abandonment, worry, hopelessness, even thoughts of suicide, crime
or domestic violence, these usually comes as a result of believing the lie, that things
are stuck and will never change, we don’t like it when something shakes our
comfort zone. That’s why we by faith cling to God’s promises.
So here are some practical tools to deal with crisis;
First of all; crisis is only for a
season, it only comes in doses, there is a time for all seasons harvest and
seed time, if you are in a dungeon right now where you can’t see the
light at the end of the tunnel…help is on the way. The tunnel is a shortcut through the mountain. The only thing that is for ever is God. When you feel like you want to quit, be
patient, you are only going through a season of insanity.
The greatest protection against
crisis is to expect that it is coming.
Jesus said; “In this world you
will have tribulation.” But be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.
Sometimes we think that because we
are believers that we should be immune to crisis.
God said; “I rain on the just and
the unjust alike.”
“If you follow me in my kingdom and
you believe my words, you will be like a man who builds his house on a rock and
when the winds blew, the storms came and the waves crashed against the house
and it stood. If you don’t follow my words it is like a man
who built his house upon the sand and when the winds blew, the storms came and
the waves crashed and the house fell.” His promise to us is that our house, (our body
the temple His Holy Spirit,) will remain intact.
Everybody will have tribulation the blessing is if
you follow my word I will see you through it.
The Japanese and Chinese don’t have a word in their
vocabulary for crisis the closest word by definition they have in their
language is opportunity.
The level of faith you have is usually in direct correlation
to the things that you have overcome.
When you make a proclamation get ready for the testing. Peter said; I will never leave you, I will
die for you. To which Jesus said; Satan
desires to test you to see if you are authentic. Peter denied Jesus three times but when he
was restored, when he overcame the crisis, he became the head of the church. John 16:1 these things will happen to you…I’m
telling you now so you won’t be offended. And when they do and you fail don't be afraid because I will still love you and be there to help you.
Your job is not the fulfillment of your life’s journey. Your gift will make a way for you. Your job is the platform that provides remuneration where you can do your work, your work is to be a Son of God, a Royal Priest. Solving problems.
SIDEBAR; I think the most important thing we can do when
discerning God’s will is to remember that God’s Kingdom is an inverted
Kingdom. So it is important to see
yourself through God’s eyes rather than how you measure up in the system of the
earth. Most of us are stuck on what is esteemed by the rulers of the kingdom of this world, Lifestyle, Position, Prosperity, Fame, Beauty, High Performance. Now let’s compare that with being a Royal Priest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Having the ability to let Jesus live through you providing power and
resources from the Heavenly realm to intersect with the needs or problems humanity experiences on earth. So let’s get on
with this rethinking process so that we can become what God intended us to be,
the creator/problem solver. The head and
not the tail, the winner not the loser.
Seven ways to manage crisis;
The reason God created man is for management.
Gen 2: “When the Lord God made the earth, no shrub of the earth
sprouted until He created the man to manage it.” He will not move you on to greater things
until you manage the things he has already put in your care. Clean your room, finish unfinished tasks. ASK FORGIVENESS FOR YOUR PAST SO YOU CAN MOVE FORWARD WITH HIS VISION.
If you neglect or miss manage something you could loose it.
Crisis can be as a result of mismanagement
1. Determine what you need …there is a difference between
what you want and what you need. We
normally say it was the devil that did it but God caused a crisis in Egypt to
promote Joseph to be prime minister of Egypt.
And even though it had been prophesied that Joseph would be the head
over his brothers, he had to go through his training in humility before God
could exalt Him. Moses and David had
similar training so what makes us think we have a right to a pampered life.
The greatest moment of promotion will usually come in the midst the
crisis. Be prophetic; don’t focus on the
crisis, speak of those things that are not as thought they are. Speak the promises of God regarding your needs and walk in faith
praising Him as you go. Get ready for a promotion.
Withdraw from what you don’t need, extra expenses
Sometimes he delays the outcome because we become so
passionate that we forget; "the battle is mine sayeth the Lord." He is doing it for us for His name sake. "I will give you the ability to obtain wealth so by that I can establish my covenant." This is designed to keep us humble, and keep us from becoming a lover of money.
Crisis comes to readjust us.
It’s not what you do it’s what you had to go through to get
there that causes you to grow and that makes you better.
Most of us don’t even
think of ourselves the way God does.
It’s not about a Job it’s about discovering what God created you to
Job work
Employed Deployed
Trained to do Born
to do
Career Life’s
Skill Gift
Can be fired Never
be fired
Retire Never
Temporary Permanent
God does not panic; this crisis/opportunity is there only for
the purpose of bringing Glory to the Father as He provides His intervention and
provision. If I could of my own power
handle every problem that comes my way I’d be patting myself on the back. Think about it: God’s Glory will cover the
earth we’ve heard of the Glory Cloud it appeared at God's volition you and I can bring His glory when we
proclaim…I couldn’t do it but “Look what the Lord has done for me.”
Because things are only seasonal suicide should never be an
option. That would be giving a permanent
solution to a temporary problem.
Alcoholism is chronic behavior of avoiding responsibility or wanting instant
gratification, when things don’t happen the way we want them to…in our
impatiens we justify that it’s OK to escape the process that God intended for
us to ultimately show us His love and provision.
When you come out of the crisis you get a promotion…new
So be patient, outlast your pseudo crisis, speak of those
things that are not as though they are and keep looking for God’s intervention.
Thank Him in advance even when you can’t see the outcome. This is instruction from your creator telling you the creative capabilities of the human body. The spoken word held in faith is how we function in his likeness.
The benefits of Change / Rethinking
If there is one thing you can guarantee in life its change
Change is beautiful and adds dimension.
There can be no improvement without change
God is permanent
Change means you will never be bored with God
Changes threaten our security
Don’t get to comfortable
Danger, comfort traps you growth
Where you are feels secure, fear of the unknown cause insecurity
We do Self destruction because we think change is an enemy
Our only security is in God who doesn’t change He will always be
there for us
Showers in seasons good and bad, crisis is to wake us and to cause us to function in our God likeness Creator
We never grow in good times we grow with pressure
Understand, adjust, manage it and don’t resist it
Recognize seasons of change
Traditions are enemy of
change look forward to the change
God desires is to prove His
love for you so be patient, wait with anticipation, have faith, look for the
good in everything, God’s blessing is on its way.
“Be Fruitful, Multiply,
Reproduce, Replenish, Subdue and have dominion over everything I have created.” He didn’t ask you to go look for seed He said
be fruitful not seed-full therefore the seed must already be inside you. God will never require anything of you that
He didn’t already supply. Your seed is
your innate potential, your ideas. You
pray for daily bread, money or resources and He gives you ideas.
What do you have? Assess yourself Look inside, and ask God to
help you see with His eyes. God created
you; you are carrying a seed for a solution to a problem that is for your
generation and time.
God has given us dominion, we
are stewards or managers of what He has created; thinking that we actually own anything
is what causes our “I” our ego, to become bigger and we forget our place in the
Kingdom. Ownership is actually the root
of poverty. We are so rooted in the Kingdom of this world that we think we own things.
In a Kingdom the King owns everything and he lets you use it or manage
it. You and I were purchased with Jesus
blood we are actually bond servants who owe Him our very lives. We take his grace for granted because we don’t
continually remind ourselves that Jesus paid our debt and now owns us. We are actually bond servants. There is an Old Testament law of the redeemer kinsman.
What is going on in our world
today? It seems totally out of whack
with God’s intention. Well He has always
wanted His Children to rule the earth.
Satan the usurper, who has no authority, is ruling by deception and
farce. Non-believers might say; how can
you believe in a loving God when there is so much evil in the world. Well this evil isn’t happening on God’s
watch, it is happening on our watch…the humas/man has dominion in the earth. God has lifted His hand of protection; He is
allowing the crisis so that you and I will rise up discover and utilize our authority. It has been delegated to us and requires us to give God license to intervene in the circumstances of life.
We are praying God Bless
America and we are asking God to bless us individually also. God has one intention; to establish His
Kingdom on earth. Therefore His
blessings are always in concert with that singular intention. Jesus told us what to do first; “Seek first
the Kingdom and be in right standing with it and all these things will be added
unto you.” When we ask God to bless us,
we are coming to Him with our desired outcome with our entitlement attitude saying;
I’m being good so fix the problem and keep my prosperity coming. I like to say it this way; put a Band-Aid on
my Ouchy and let me get back to my comfort zone. I hate to tell you but we aren’t going
back there. We’ve just begun this repenting
or rethinking process. It’s about His establishing
His Government on the earth and our work won’t be done until His work is done.
When we ask God to bless America we are asking Him to bring us back to righteousness to right standing with His
Kingdom. The problem is not external and
for the most part God is dealing with His own; his children, the believers. "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray, then I will hear from heaven and then I will heal their land." We must be the first to repent or
change. See the problem is in us because
His kingdom is in us and we are still living like Adam following an ideology
created by a human under the influence of the Usurper who came to kill steal
and destroy. He has allowed us to go
after the idols of our heart. We have
become so enamored with the creation that we have lost intimacy with our
Heavenly father who said; “I am a jealous God, I will have no other God’s
before me.” What we are experiencing is
a love call from the Father. Liquidating
some of our possessions might be where we find the treasure to help us move
through our crisis and fund the new seed that God has planted in our
heart. God said; “I am God there is none
like me, I let you see the end from the beginning.” If you understand where God is going you can
let go and let God. Not only that you
can be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Think about how the guys in the stock market
learned to make money even when the market is going down. After you get it, after you have repented;
even though in the natural it may look like there is nothing you can do. You still have control over your
attitude. Don’t focus on the problem,
focus on the solution, God has already given dominion to His children
to be a blessing to those who are down and out, that’s the way His Glory will
cover the earth.
First step is the power of thought.
Commune with the Father, he will speak to you in the silence.
Second step is the power of words.
Write down your ideas, your vision so that becomes clear enough to communicate
it to others because it will probably be a team effort.
Third step is action with attitude.
Prov. 18:21 in the Message Translation says; “Words kill, words give
life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.” Death or life is not in the circumstances or
in the environment. They are not in the
events or in the crisis. Death and life are in what you believe; For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
You must first believe and
then you must give it life; Words represent only 7% of communication 38% is intonation,
enthusiasm and the rest is body language; you must take action, put attention
to toward you’re intention. Live in gratitude as if it has already happened.
“Let the weak say I am
strong.” Joel 3:10
Don’t let outside sources
discourage you…the King who rules your heart has already validated it. God gave you dominion, you are the Ambassador
you have the full power of God’s kingdom at your disposal. God is your source and prayer is how you
obtain His provision even His hidden treasure.
“I will give you treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by
name.” Isa. 45:3 He will correlate all the details and you
will get to the goal post but watch you attitude; remember God is no respecter
of persons and the highest position in His kingdom is servant of the
Life and death are not in the
environment or the circumstances. They are not in the events of the crisis,
life and death are in what you think and say about them. “The tongue has the power of life and death
and those who love it will eat its fruit Prov. 18-21
“Let the weak say I am strong.”
Joel 3:10 Even if it looks bleak in the moment our confession should be the
promises of God and not what we see.
What we see is subject to change but God’s promises will never
change. “All things work together for
good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.” Rom.
Paul described this Kingdom power
that we have access to like this; “We have this treasure in jars of clay to
show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2Cor. 4:7
Remember that the goodness of God
and the power of God could not be made manifest if we were able to overcome all
our crisis by ourselves, we’d pat ourselves on the back therefore Paul describes
the process so that we don’t get discouraged when he said: “We are hard pressed
on every side, but not crushed;; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but
not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed.
We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life
of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’
sake, so that His life may be revealed in our mortal body. So the, death is at work in us, but life is at
work in you.” 2Cor. 4|:8-12
That is why we need to rise
up to our calling as Royal Priests, ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven to our sphere of
influence. Think about it; who do you
know that spends more time in communication with the Father. Most people are consumed with survival living under the influence of a fallen kingdom and
never look beyond them self to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord
observing the needs of humanity then bring them before the Father in prayer
giving Him license to intervene in every crisis that you perceive. You are the head and not the tail.
from Overcoming Crisis by Miles Monroe with notations from Dave Dixon
It may be because we have
poorly managed what the Lord has put into our care that God can’t move us on to
greater things. Are we just
surviving? Are we are busy just taking
care of our daily bread and we typically keep what we have to ourselves rather
than building the Kingdom and preferring our brother. Think about it why would God be obligated to
make greater provision when we will only consume it upon ourselves? God says that He is a God of more than
enough. Why is it that we always seem to
need a little more, bigger n better?
What do we do with; “If your brother has need and you have the ability
to help him and don’t, for you that is a sin.”
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