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"God's Big Idea" is the foundation article for understanding how we become THE AMEN PEOPLE
The Making of an Ambassador This should be the mindset of every believer in Jesus Christ.
Prayer Protocol is the foundation article for understanding how we function as AMEN PEOPLE.
Profile of the Amen People If being an Amen Person were a crime; would there be enough evidence to convict you?
Conversation with a Jihadist This sheds light on how much change is required for us to be in the Image of Christ.
Overcoming Crisis The word crisis doesn't appear in the Japanese or Chinese language the closet word by definition is opportunity; as a man thinketh so is he. We were sent here to solve the problems of the earth with the power from the Heavenly realm.
How Do We Pray for Injustice Our government is placed over us by God for our protection. Of course when we understand the truth we no longer need a magistrate to keep us in line because we are His sheep who follow His voice.
How to Pray for Healing Jesus came demonstrating the power of the Kingdom. Then He Preached. We get to function in His Likeness.
Nothing is Innately Good or Bad We have the choice in every situation not to just be good but give God the right to speak into any situation for His Glory.
The Lord's Prayer leaflet The Lord's Prayer is a proclamation of the provisions of the Kingdom and how God does the work for us. It is a flyer Print it back to back.
Kingdom Principals in the Work Place This is a rethinking as to how we should structure our business and how we should interact with our employees
"God's Big Idea" is the foundation article for understanding how we become THE AMEN PEOPLE
The Making of an Ambassador This should be the mindset of every believer in Jesus Christ.
Prayer Protocol is the foundation article for understanding how we function as AMEN PEOPLE.
Profile of the Amen People If being an Amen Person were a crime; would there be enough evidence to convict you?
Conversation with a Jihadist This sheds light on how much change is required for us to be in the Image of Christ.
Overcoming Crisis The word crisis doesn't appear in the Japanese or Chinese language the closet word by definition is opportunity; as a man thinketh so is he. We were sent here to solve the problems of the earth with the power from the Heavenly realm.
How Do We Pray for Injustice Our government is placed over us by God for our protection. Of course when we understand the truth we no longer need a magistrate to keep us in line because we are His sheep who follow His voice.
How to Pray for Healing Jesus came demonstrating the power of the Kingdom. Then He Preached. We get to function in His Likeness.
Nothing is Innately Good or Bad We have the choice in every situation not to just be good but give God the right to speak into any situation for His Glory.
The Lord's Prayer leaflet The Lord's Prayer is a proclamation of the provisions of the Kingdom and how God does the work for us. It is a flyer Print it back to back.
Kingdom Principals in the Work Place This is a rethinking as to how we should structure our business and how we should interact with our employees