"I am the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end."  "I am God and there is none like me I let you see the end from the beginning."  God is a spirit, the energy that holds this matrix together, unchangeable and consistent, in essence GOD and LOVE are completely interchangeable, GOD/LOVE IN IT'S PUREST FORM.  I believe that Adam was created in the image and likeness of God but like us had to grow into maturity.  I believe our life experience follow the feast day’s of the the Old Testament.  
Passover is our introduction we experience His grace and mercy, our Salvation experience. He passes over our sins. Grace is his gift given to all his children given before the foundation of the world but experienced by his children when they are enlightened. 
Pentecost, receiving the Holy Spirit, our having again what Adam once had, intimacy with the father we were empowered to carry out God’s intention establish Heaven on Earth. Here we entered   the maturing process dying to our fleshly desires daily and submitting to the direction of the Holy Spirit.  Here we are being Sanctified (we learn obedience by the things we suffer.) bringing us to full maturity as Son’s. 
Tabernacles is our Glorification.  The true promise land is where God we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.  We will be caught up to be with the Lord, we will once again have our original body, immortal and incorruptible and come back to earth with the Lord to rule and reign through the final millennium as Sons of God.

God said my name is; "I Am that I Am" this tells me that He is..."WHAT IS."  The earth and everything and everybody in it by virtue of creation is the outward expression of God.  Every circumstance and every encounter everyone is having is an intimate encounter with God.  These encounters are opportunities or visitations, they are not innately good or bad, the good or bad is determined by what we choose to do with them. These encounters are part of our sanctification process; a blessing if we are seeking God or a curse if we are fulfilling our fleshly desires.  We don't always get things right.  But thank God for His grace, we can be like King David, a man after God's own heart asking forgiveness upon discovering our wrong choice.
The parable of the prodigal sons describe two different paths we might choose. Obedient service to the father brings his blessings or service to self which evokes another form of God's love; tough love.  Either choice will ultimately led to our salvation because of God's vow or covenant made with Moses to all humanity.  "As I Am, I will bring everybody here into the promise land not only that but I will bring everybody who is not here into the promise land.  At the Great White Throne Judgement; "Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
This is the second covenant; It is not predicated upon man's ability to reach God but upon God's ability to draw all men unto himself.  In the end Love/God Wins!!!! 
You may ask What about hell?  The lake of fire is a real place and you don't want to go there but when fire is mentioned in the bible it always has to do with purification.  We've put to much credence into the time life experience we are eternal beings and after the great white throne judgment where every knee shall bow and every tongue confess those who have just received their salvation will be placed into the lake of refiners fire for sanctification, not punishment.     

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